Meet our family of funny, lovable puppets!
Green Bear
The youngest of our 3 Bear Brothers, Green Bear is the most popular. He has big ideas, a big personality and a ton of self-confidence.
- Hometown: New York City
- Favorite Color: Green
- Favorite Food: Cookies
- Age: Wise beyond his years
- Biggest Dream: To Be President of the United States of America
- Biggest Achievement: Getting into Gifted & Talented at School
- Best Friend: Doug the Dinosaur
- Secret Crush: Witcheficent
- Related To: Pink Bear and Red Bear (his older brothers) and Abuela Bear (his grandma)
- Funny Moment: Too many to pick one!
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlists: It’s a 3-way tie between Math & Science Stories, Things That Go! and Bear Books.
- Special Talent: Rapping (not to be confused with wrapping)
- New Hobby: Yoga
Doug the Dinosaur
The most thoughtful and soulful Dinosaur you’ll ever meet, Doug is sweet and funny and sensitive, which means he cries not only when he’s sad but when he’s happy, too.
- Hometown: Ikealandia, Sweden
- Also Known As: Doug the Slightly Insecure Dinosaur
- Favorite Color: All of them because he doesn’t want to hurt the feelings of any of the colors because they’re all valuable.
- Best Friend: Green Bear
- Favorite Holiday: Hanukkah
- Fun Fact: Doug is actually half-Dinosaur/half-Dragon
- Before You Ask: He does NOT breathe fire
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Dragon and Dinosaur Stories
- Second Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Musical Stories
- Special Talent: Kindness & Being an Amazing Friend
- Big Happy Moment: Meeting Mickey Mouse
- Favorite Pastimes: Helping Abuela Bear make cookies, singing songs, playing with Green Bear, getting scratches from StoryTeller
- Dreams Of: Meeting TV’s Barney the Dinosaur and going with Green Bear to the White House.
Red Bear
The big brother to Green and Pink Bear. Kind and VERY patient!
- Hometown: New York City
- Favorite Color: Red
- Favorite Clothes: His Red & White Christmas Hat
- Favorite Food: Bear Claws
- Catchphrase: Oh, Brother! (this comes in handy when you have 2 brothers)
- Fun Fact: Is learning to speak Spanish with Abuela Bear
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Family Stories, especially stories involving brothers because he can relate
Pink Bear
It’s tough to be the middle bear. And it’s even tougher because Pink Bear is a BOY and everyone thinks he’s a girl. But he’s getting the word out, so it’s okay.
- Hometown: New York
- Favorite Color: Pink
- Favorite Food: Cotton Candy
- Known As: The Middle Bear trying to find himself
- Related To: Green Bear (little brother), Red Bear (big brother), Abuela Bear (grandma)
- Favorite Book: Pink is for Boys
- Special Talent: A little of this, a little of that.
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Growth Mindset, because Pink Bear is always trying to find ways to grow his brain to be the best at whatever it is he’s going to be good at once he figures out what it is he wants to be.
Abuela Bear
Abuela Bear is the sweet ’n’ sassy cookie-baking grandma to our three bears, adored by all the puppets, and revered for being the oldest and wisest. And for teaching the bears to speak Spanish! “Abuela” means “Grandmother” in Spanish!
- Hometown: Manzanillo, Cuba
- Languages: Spanish & English
- Job: Professional Hugger
- Grandbears: Red Bear, Pink Bear and Green Bear
- Special Power: Making Witcheficent be nice
- Signature Song: I Bake It Like That
- Pastimes: Teaching the puppets Spanish, Salsa Dancing, Scrapbooking, Yoga
- Favorite Cookie: White Chocolate Macadamia
- Fun Fact: Enjoys drinking espresso with Gilles the Giraffe
- Favorite Playlist: Bilingual Books & Mickey Mouse stories!
Maleficent Witcheficent
A goofy witch who thinks she’s bad… but she’s really just silly. Now featuring a new, greener and meaner look!
- Born: On a dark & stormy night between a rock and a hard place
- Catchphrase: Why Am I Here?
- Favorite Food: Bat Stew (family recipe)
- Favorite Color: Black
- Current Mood: Black
- Pet Peeves: Books with happy endings and no torture
- Hobbies: chaos-creation, evil-laughing, being terrible, rejecting people, making homemade bat stew
- Favorite Toy: Her evil queen figurine from Snow White
- Role Model: the evil queen
- Secret Crush: herself
- KidTime StoryTime Playlist She Doesn’t Completely Hate: Twisted Fairy Tales, Halloween and she secretly loves Witch Stories
- Shocking Moment: The time she decided to change her name and see a witch doctor for a makeover.
- Relationship Status: “I basically detest all living creatures”
- School: Transylvania U. Majored in Potions. Minored in Veterinary Science.
Fuchsia Fish
This sassy fish is quite the social butterfly (for a fish), making friends above and below the sea. She always “keeps it real” even though she mingles with celebrities, which is why everyone loves her.
- Hometown: New Jersachussetts
- Known For: Knowing Everybody
- Catchphrase: I’m a social butterfly, for a fish!
- Best Friend: Olivia the Ostrich
- Best Quality: Endless Curiosity
- Favorite Food: Kelp Salad, Kelp Smoothies, Kelp Cookies, Kelp-Kelp
- Related To: cousin Tibby Tiburon, a supposedly “vegetarian” shark she does not trust
- Her Idols: Ethel Merman, Fran Drescher, Weehawken
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Beach Stories
Tibby Tiburon
Tibby is a shark. Tibby makes most of the other puppets very uncomfortable, especially the bears. Tibby claims he’s a vegetarian, but we all have doubts.
- Family Connection: Cousin to Fuchsia Fish!
- Known For: Getting WAY too close for comfort
- True Story: Once learned Spanish by eating a Spanish Tourist
- Fake Story: He’s a vegetarian.
- How He Greets Kids: Hello, bonbon!
- Special Talent: Making people nervous
- Favorite Playlist: Monster Stories
Batticus Finch, Esq.
We are proud to announce that our newest KidTime Family member is also our new legal counsel. And maybe yours.
- Profession: Battorney-at-Law
- Law School: Batford University
- Catchphrase: Felony!
- Hobbies: Reading fine print & night flying
- Favorite Food: Fresh Fruit
- Nemesis: Witcheficent
- Fun Fact: 1st battorney in his family. Or any family.
- Goal: Inspiring flying mammals to pursue legal careers
Corny the Unicorn
What’s sugar and spice and everything nice? Corny! She’s the one-horned wonder of KidTime StoryTime who is so cute even Green Bear has admitted she’s cuter than he is! She’s going to develop magical powers soon, but which ones?
- Age: 4 1/2
- Hometown: Unicornicopia, located just Over The Rainbow
- Favorite Color: Bubble Gum Pink
- Favorite Food: Rainbow Sprinkle Marshmallows
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Drink: Sparkling Water
- Best Friend: Dill the Pickle
- Unique Quality: Being a unicorn!
- Special Power: It’s a secret. Not even StoryTeller knows!
- Big Dream: Flying in the sky with StoryTeller
- Favorite Animal: Puppies
- Where She Shops: Horns ‘R’ Us
- Favorite Holiday: Valentines Day
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Unicorns, Mermaids & Fairies! Magical Kids Books

White Rat
White Rat is a tough New Yorker who is “street smart” and a “cheese connoisseur” who “tells it like it is”. We used a lot of quotes just now for good reason.
- Hometown: The Subways of New York City
- Favorite Food: Cheese, Pizza & Cheese Pizza
- Known For: The unique sound he makes when he enters and leaves any room that defies description
- Special Talent: Eating cheese
- Favorite Cheese: All of them
- Alias: News Anchorman Walter Cronkrat
- Perfect Dinner: Cheese pizza on the N Train
- Frenemy: the 7 train
- Favorite Borough: Manhattan
Olivia the Ostrich
The grand dame of KidTime StoryTime is a classically trained actress from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts!
- Hometown: London, England
- Known For: Her Long Stories about Herself
- Special Talent: Acting & Being British
- Employment: Theatrical Leading Lady
- Part Time Employment: Green Bear’s Drama Coach
- Best Friend: Fuchsia Fish
- Frenemy: Random Rooster
- Languages Spoken: The Queen’s English
- Pastimes: Girl talk with Fuchsia Fish, Reading Plays, Auditioning, Adapting books into movies she can star in
- Favorite KidTime StoryTIme Playlist: Stories Starring Girls
Dill the Pickle
Dill is the newest member of KidTime StoryTime. We suspect he sat in brine for a little too long.
- Born: In A Jar
- Also Known As: Deli
- Why He Has 2 Names: No idea
- Attention Span: 4.2 Seconds
- Mood: Goofball
- Enjoys: Soaking in Salt Baths
- Favorite Shape: Pickle Shape
- IQ: Genius
- Related To: Cucumbers
- Known For: Unusually Large Eyes
- Spends All His Money On: Eye Drops
- Fun Fact: Is considered a fruit AND a vegetable. Cannot see the color pink.
- Favorite Playlist: Books About Books
Octavius the Octopus
The tiniest of the puppets, Octavius lives so far underwater that it takes him forever to reach KidTime StoryTime. But for a little guy, he makes a big impact.
- Hometown: Under the Sea
- Known For: Talking like an Alien
- Fun Fact: Fuchsia Fish lives upstairs from him!
- Favorite Color: Squid
- Age: No one knows
- Allergies: Whales & Seafood Restaurants
- Special Talent: Having More Arms than Most
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: Mermaid Stories (because Octavius knows a lot of Mermaids)
Gilles the Giraffe
Pronounced jheelz, this guy is all about amour! (That’s love, in case you don’t speak French) Our worldliest character, Gilles enjoys cappuccinos, macaroons, spontaneous poetry and world travel. And romance, of course.
- Hometown: Paris, France
- Favorite Color: Mustard
- Favorite Condiment: Mustard
- Age: Ooh la la!
- Relationship Status: Always in Love
- Secret Crush: All the ladies. And it’s not a secret.
- Funny Moment: Once tried to woo the Statue of Liberty.
- Known For: Big Romantic Gestures & Speaking French with people who don’t understand French
- Favorite Book: Anything about giraffes or love. Preferably both.
- Favorite KidTime StoryTime Playlist: April in Paris

Hooty the Owl
Hooty is what you might call “non-verbal”… preferring to communicate by hoot and wing-whoosh. But he’s working hard on his English skills.
- Hometown: The Deep Woods of Ikeaville
- Catchphrase: Hoot!
- Bedtime: Sunrise
- Goals: Speaking in complete sentences
- Favorite Snack: Tootsie Roll Lollipops
- Fun Fact: Hooty goes to bed when Random Rooster wakes up
- Enjoys: Flying into rooms, wing-dancing, hoot-singing
- Favorite Playlist: Alphabet, Numbers & Colors

TwoTone the Cat
- Hometown: Hialeah, Florida
- Languages Spoken: Meow, Mew and Purr
- Known For: Teaching StoryTeller to speak Meow, Mew and Purr
- Family Ties: Adopted by StoryTeller
- Fun Fact: Shares a birthday with StoryTeller
- Enjoys: Napping in the sun & napping by the moon
- Pet Peeve: None
- Favorite Playlists: Cat Stories & Dog Stories

Lana Lamb
Lana Lamb is a baby. Therefore, she is EXTREMELY adorable and makes the cutest sounds. Green Bear loves taking care of her. She brings out a very tender, caring side of him!
- Birthplace: Pasadena, California
- Lana’s Babysitter: Green Bear (with help from Abuela Bear)
- Hobbies: Being Cute & Drinking Milk
- Favorite Playlists: Oh Baby! Books for and about Babies!

Random Rooster
Not a lot is known about Random Rooster because he is just so… random.
- Hometown: Farmerville USA
- Known For: Randomly appearing at unexpected times & being Very LOUD
- Special Talent: Waking up Earlier than Everybody
- Frenemy: Olivia the Ostrich
- Languages Spoken: Chicken & Crow
- Favorite KidTime StoryTIme Playlist: Funny Books for Kids