After her parents divorce, a little girl has Passover at her mom’s & then at her dad’s every year, but she still dreams of a seder with her whole family. Can it happen? It’s a Modern Family KidTime StoryTime

Writer Mindy Avra Portnoy is a rabbi in Washington D.C.!
Illustrator Valeria Cis lives in Argentina and has a pet turtle!

KidTime StoryTime narrates kid stories with love, funny accents and a cast of wacky puppets & stuffed animals who all seem to have strong literary opinions and sharply different tastes in books. From tough topics to classic Disney and Seuss tales to bilingual stories, we aim to edutain & inspire a lifelong love of reading in children! Ideal for kids from birth through approximately 99 years of age. Because children’s books are seriously awesome & surprisingly deep. No Kidding.