Inspirational, fun, faith-filled books to feed the spirits and minds of Christian kids!

When I Talk to God, I Talk About You | Chrissy Metz and Bradley Collins | Christian read aloud

Food for Hope 🍽️ Empathy Read Aloud 💚 social emotional read aloud books

La Noche BEFORE Three Kings Day read aloud - los Reyes Magos - bilingual read aloud

Hooray, It's Three Kings Day! | Hispanic Heritage | bilingual read aloud

Twas the Evening of Christmas - Christian Christmas read aloud - Baby Jesus read aloud

The STAR in the Christmas Play - Christmas read aloud - Self Esteem for kids

The Gifts of the Animals | Christmas Story | kids books read aloud

The Quiet Crazy Easter Day ✝ Easter for Kids | Children's Books Read Aloud