We’re 100% Free! But if you want to help us feed the puppets, awesome!

We are on Patreon, a site that helps creators collect donations from fans who want to show their support. No contracts! Donate once or as long as you wish. We offer some cool stuff as our way of saying thanks!  No matter what, we are grateful for you!



Become a Patron!

  • You Love Us!
  • We Love You Back!

Bear Necessities


Become a Patron!

  • You Love Us!
  • We Love You Back!
  • After 3 months, you can claim a personalized puppet greeting video for a special kid in your life! Great for birthdays, graduations, holidays or any special milestones!
  • PLEASE LET US KNOW WHEN YOU WISH TO CLAIM YOUR REWARD. We are so busy running the channel that we can’t keep track!

Puppet Master


Become a Patron!

  • You Love Us!
  • We Love You Back!
  • Chat community
  • After 3 months, you can claim a One-on-One FaceTime with StoryTeller. DEFINITELY fun… Great for birthdays, graduations, holidays or special milestones in a kid’s life!
  • After 3 months, you can claim an autographed photo of StoryTeller!
  • PLEASE LET US KNOW WHEN YOU WISH TO CLAIM YOUR REWARD. We are so busy running the channel that we can’t keep track!